Children’s Specialist

Since 2008, the Children’s Specialist (CS) assessment-based certificate program has been an integral part of Snowsports instructor education across all eight PSIA/AASI divisions. The PSIA/AASI National Children’s Task Force (NCTF) continues its work on the program, making sure that the National Standards remain relevant in today’s ever-changing Snowsports environment.

Certificates are offered at two levels, corresponding to the first two levels of certifications offered in other disciplines. More information on each level is available below.

CS 1

We are in the process of updating this page, as another resource option, check the Children’s Specialist page on national website. 

CS 1 is the entry-level children’s education course for PSIA and AASI, and it includes an evaluation component. The course includes an online e-learning course, skiing/riding and teaching scenarios, and a technical discussion regarding how children/young students learn and progress from the Beginner/Novice to Intermediate Zones.

The CS 1 course is for instructors embarking on the journey toward mastery of the art of children’s snowsport instruction.

Evaluations of those taking the CS 1 course reflect the participants’ knowledge of teaching children and individuals. Successful completion of the course grants professional recognition to the instructor and industry for their education, experience, and expertise in teaching children snowsports. This is a multi-disciplinary course.

Instructors are encouraged to take the CS1 course once they’ve achieved a Level 1 PSIA-AASI certification in any discipline. 

Participants’ achievement will be relayed via verbal feedback from the clinician throughout the course and at its end. 

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Review and be familiar with the CS 1 Reference Materials; they will help you with the e-Learning Course and the two-day assessment.
  • You must complete the CS 1 e-Learning Course before your assessment date.
  • It is recommended, but not required, that you complete at least one Children’s Clinic prior to the CS1 assessment.
  • Must be an active participant in course.
  • Must receive a passing score from children’s divisional education staff based on the participant’s demonstrated knowledge, understanding, teaching, and movement analysis.

CS 2

NOTE: You must have a Children’s Specialist 1 credential and a Level 2 certification in any other discipline in order to take the CS 2 course.

Children’s Specialist 2 will continue building on the instructor’s knowledge and skills from the Children’s Specialist 1. The course focuses on the specifics of child development for young learners as they progress through the Beginner/Novice to Advanced Zones.

Participants will integrate their technical understanding of the CAP model with movement analysis and teaching activities for children in the Intermediate and Advanced Zones.

Evaluations of those taking the CS 2 course reflect the participants’ knowledge of teaching children and teens. Successful completion of the course grants professional recognition to the instructor and industry for their education, experience, and expertise in teaching children snowsports. This is a multi-disciplinary course.

Evaluation Criteria

  • You must complete the online CS 2 workbook and pass the CS 2 online test before the exam date.
  • It is recommended, but not required, that you complete at least one Children’s Clinic prior to the assessment.
  • Must be an active participant in course.
  • Must receive a passing score from children’s divisional education staff based on the participant’s demonstrated knowledge, understanding, teaching, and movement analysis.